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Support service

Support is provided in English or German

The more information we have, the faster we can solve your problem.

Send us a screenshot or screencast of your screen to help us troubleshoot the issue.

  • Help with difficulties in logging in or assigning licences to staff or trades.
  • Questions related to your personal space and configuration of the platform
  • in-depth questions related to your settings, contract or invoicing
  • assist you with troubleshooting, be it blocking problems or unexpected behaviour of the platform
  • in case of software errors or the reproduction and reprocessing of software errors

Find out more about what is provided in detail by the BIMcosmos support team.

  • no support for questions concerning your business processes
  • we do not import documents into your platform
  • we do not provide support in setting up configuration models, such as project integration, mailer definitions and task assignments
  • we do not help with interventions on your own servers, hardware or software related to the BIMcosmos platform
  • we do not provide support for third party programs and drivers

Learn more about what is not supported in detail by the BIMcosmos support team.

What kind of help can I expect from customer support?

Our BIMcosmos contract guarantees unlimited 24-hour support five days a week, Monday through Friday. The response time for this is a maximum of 12 hours. Our support team is located throughout Europe to ensure that you receive assistance at any time, regardless of your location.

Our online support form is the fastest and easiest way to get in touch with our support team.

What kind of support is provided?

We provide you with relevant materials such as guides and product documentation.

We help you with questions or problems that may arise in connection with the BIMcosmos platform, for example, difficulties logging in or assigning licenses to employees or trades.

We will assist you with questions in your personal area and configuration of the platform, as well as questions related to your settings, contract or billing.

We will assist you with troubleshooting, be it blocking issues or unexpected behavior that is not due to incorrect application or customization.

If there are problems with the application, we are happy to help you (but no training), with software errors or the reproduction and reprocessing of software errors.

Our BIMcosmos support will not make any changes to your platform or projects without your consent. Instead, we will provide you with the necessary materials and knowledge to make these changes yourself!

What support is not included?

However, there are areas where we will not provide you with support on issues related to your business processes to facilitate the implementation of the BIMcosmos platform.

Instead, we encourage you to tap into our many resources to get the most out of the software.

We do not import documents into your platform.

We do not assist with setting up configuration models, such as project integration, mailer definitions, and task assignments.

We do not provide assistance with interventions on your own servers, hardware or software related to the BIMcosmos platform. We do not provide support for third-party programs and drivers, such as anti-virus programs, graphics drivers, browsers, other applications, or custom programming.

We cannot support questions or issues related to specific developments or customizations made either by BIMcosmos or a third party for your platform or code.

We are available to answer any questions you may have about the BIMcosmos platform.